

This Week’s Bulletin Announcements
RIVERHEAD COUNTRY FAIR: Sunday, October 13th. Want to shine for Jesus? Join us for an amazing outreach to spread God’s Word at the Riverhead Fair! Please sign up on the bulletin board. See Linda Ruland for more info.


ATTENTION LADIES: There will be a Ladies Bible Study/Prayer Time starting on Thursday mornings, beginning October 17th. Details to follow! 

LADIES BREAKFAST & BIBLE: This is planned for Saturday, November 2nd at 9am. Please sign up on the bulletin board.


OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD: Operation Christmas Child’s mission is to provide shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in their own communities with the Good News of Jesus Christ. Please take one or more boxes from the foyer. See Autumn Johnson if you have any questions. Please return your boxes by November 17th.



SUNDAY SCHOOL: We have Sunday School for all ages each week at 9:30am. There is child care available.

PRAYER GUIDES: Intercessory prayer guides are available in the foyer.