

This Week’s Bulletin Announcements


ATTENTION PARENTS:  We love your little ones in the service and welcome their sounds. If you need to take them out for a bit, you will find the Livestream on in the Fellowship room at the end of the hall.


ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING:  Save the date for January 29th, 7pm.  Annual reports will be available on the back table on Sunday, 1/19. Please read before the meeting. All members expected to attend.  (Unless providentially hindered)


MEN’S BIBLE STUDY/FELLOWSHIP:  Our men meet on the fourth Saturday of every month. Join us on THIS Saturday,  January 25th at 9am.


LADIES BREAKFAST & BIBLE: Our ladies meet on the first Saturday of every month. Join us February 1st, from 9 – 11:30am. Please sign up on the bulletin board.


LADIES SPRING STUDY COMING SOON:  Join us Thursday Mornings in the Fellowship room, March 6- April 3rd from                 9-10:30am for a 5-week study, “Growing in Grace”. Cost is $12. Please sign up on the bulletin board.


CHILDREN’S PROGRAMS:   Olympians’ grades 1-6; Youth Group grades 7-12 meet every Friday when school is in session, 6:30-8:15pm


SMALL GROUPS:  Meet in various homes throughout the week. See one of the elders for more details.


INTERCESSORY PRAYER GUIDES:   Available on back table in foyer.